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News and ArticlesTax News

Houston Texas Franchise Tax

Houston Texas Franchise Tax At first glance, franchise tax might sound like something you have to pay if you were to own a Dunkin Donuts or a 7-Eleven. However, it doesn't mean franchise in terms of a business model where you have a franchisee and a franchisor. A franchise tax…
Mansoor Ansari
May 20, 2016
News and Articles

FBAR Streamline Lawyer Dallas

FBAR Streamline Lawyer Dallas Whether or not you are a bank account holder in a foreign nation, the following article will help shed light on how the IRS is now targeting individuals for new compliance measures. Are you are an American expat and haven’t filed a tax return in years?…
Mansoor Ansari
May 19, 2016
News and Articles

Tax Attorney Sugarland

Tax Attorney Sugarland A common question that we get at our office is "can you get rid of my tax lien." Let's discuss this in further: Lien vs. Levy Does the letter from the IRS mention a lien or a levy? Let’s start with the property you own. A Lien…
Mansoor Ansari
May 16, 2016
News and ArticlesTax News

Texas sales tax on home renovations

Texas sales tax on home renovations Real Property Repair and Remodeling Here are some important rules: Labor to repair, remodel, or restore residential real property is not taxable. Residential real property means family dwellings, including apartment complexes, nursing homes, condominiums, and retirement homes. It does not include hotels or residential…
Mansoor Ansari
May 15, 2016
News and Articles

FBAR Tax Attorney Dallas

FBAR Tax Attorney Dallas If you can answer ‘yes’ to the following four questions, you very likely have committed one or more FBAR form violations and require the services of a skilled OVDP tax attorney: 1. You are now or in the last six years were a US citizen, a…
Mansoor Ansari
May 15, 2016
News and Articles

Offer in compromise attorney houston

Offer In Compromise Attorney Houston This could possibly be our most common phone call: “Can you negotiate my debt? I heard the IRS takes pennies on the dollar.” The answer is yes or no depending on your financial situation. Let’s take the following scenarios assuming the taxpayer owes $70,000.00 in…
Mansoor Ansari
May 15, 2016
News and ArticlesTax News

Mixed Beverage Sales Tax Audit

Mixed Beverage Sales Tax Audit If you are a business owner in Texas, chances are that you are on our website because you either have a sales tax audit pending, or you want to prepare yourself for an audit. Here is our latest Texas Comptroller's sales tax audit story of…
Mansoor Ansari
May 15, 2016